Custom Boat Lure Bundle.....

Custom Boat Lure Bundle.....

The Custom Boat Lure Bundle - only available at High Street Tackle….

In our efforts to provide the right stuff for the right reasons, we have come up with this idea for when it suits a customers needs.

Here is a little background to how it came about…

Having many friends/contacts that have been vertical and traction fishing from boats for quite some time now with great success and shared a lot of their knowledge with me I have ensured that we have an excellent selection of the right lures, heads and hooks for customers to be able to choose from a wide variety of the most successful of these items.


One of these people is Martin Donald, he runs his boat The Spirit of Arun from the Sussex coast, if you know of him you will know that he puts his customers onto some very good fish. If you don't,  then it is definitely worth checking him out on Facebook or Instagram to see some of the catches. He can also be contacted via email at If you turn up for a trip with Martin armed with this combo of lures, I know that he will approve!

Another useful contact to share is Rhys Hunt based on the Isle of Wight. Rhys has a wealth of lure fishing experience to his name both from the shore and afloat. He is putting this to good use and has recently started his own unique venture too, as well as the educational bespoke/remote tuition services he is now offering tutored trips aboard The Spirit of Arun, whether this is something new to you or an area you would like to improve then you should look him up.

The Madness Madeel working off the North Devon coast

So, becoming armed with this knowledge and experience I found that not all the customers are the same. For those who frequently use this bigger stuff most are not too concerned about building up a selection of spare parts - however for many other customers it became apparent that being able to conveniently buy a selection for a one day trip or to ‘dip their toe in the water’ then this combo would be a perfect solution - without this option then they were faced with buying larger packs of inferior lures…..

The following text is from my original Facebook post to introduce the package and the final new things I would stress are the fact that due to the vast range of variations this cannot be offered online as a package, you will need to contact us to purchase, preferably with a telephone conversation so that we can discuss and match ‘your’ requirements. The package as laid out below is just an example of enough to get you started, flexibility is the whole point of this post remember.

The Madness Madeel in the English Channel

BOAT LURE DEAL…Please Read Fully

Especially useful for customers that may not fish from a boat often so do not want to be swamped with spare parts.

Maybe you are unsure of what to buy?….

Here is a package that could solve all of that for you - 10 of the best and most productive lures you could want to use in a range of colours.

This combination relies on packets being opened and split so sometimes availability may change slightly - there is also the option to swap out any of the items for something different, for instance there are all the usual bright colours available instead of the natural ones I have selected, or maybe Ultimate Twinshads instead of some of the Madeels.

IMPORTANT…you do not get all of the items/packets in the picture see the following list for the opening suggestion.

3 x Fiiish Black Minnow Size 5 rigged on 90g heads - Kaki, Blue and Gold/Blue

2 x Size 3 Fiiish Crazy Sandeels mounted on 90g heads - Green, Blue Nacre

2 x Madness Madeels 190mm mounted on 100g Rolling Heads - 2 different colours

2 x Madness Madeels 140mm mounted on 80g Rolling Heads - 2 different colours

1 x Storm Biscay Deep Sandeel 20cm, 97g - various colours available.

The list above can be yours for £105 including postage to the UK mainland and Channel Islands - it is not available online only by messaging first to discuss your exact requirements. Payment can be by online invoice (card or Paypal) or with card details over the phone…. 

A bespoke bundle of boat fishing lures…..
Different selection for a different customer….
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