IMA Chappy 100 Black Back Sparkle is the newest model Chappy 100 to the already quite extensive range. This model though is even more exclusive as it is only available through High Street Tackle, as the colour is my own design.

You may remember earlier this year when the Ghost Minnow and ST Ammo colours were launched, I mentioned that whilst I cannot take take responsibility for the actual colours, the concept of having some ghost colours was my idea and several discussions on this were had with the IMA UK distributor and there they were, born.
During these conversations the possibility of me designing and having produced, something that matched exactly the colour scheme I wanted was discussed…some more conversations and some messing around with images I came up with the scheme above and my image was sent to IMA. This eventually transpired into them producing a mock up of what was possible and then a sample followed to drop through my letterbox. Needless to say I loved it and gave the go ahead.
Whilst I am happy to admit that I do have a deserved reputation for buying some of the more outlandish colours, this colour is the result of a lot of thoughts that have come together by observing what is available, listening to other peoples opinions and my own thoughts too. Many people reading this will know that I am a big fan of the Chappy 100 and often suggest that it compares very favourably to (or better than) another famous surface lure that is renowned for its long casting ability, how easy it is to work and the nice splash it makes on the surface - the Chappy does all of this. It is easier to get hold of a Chappy too. My feelings were that the only thing the Chappy range lacked was, apart from one (Clear Crown) they were all solid colours.
So, Black Back Sparkle was created so that the flanks were predominantly clear with a hint of glitter to give some shape/contour to it and obviously some reflection according to the ambient light conditions. The black back comes from my opinion that black on lures is really quite versatile and could even give the edge that may be needed in certain conditions, as I believe that it stays very visible in many conditions that other colours ‘get lost’ in. Coloured water and certain night time conditions are two of them.
In closing all that remains to be said is that I am rather proud and pleased with this lure, if you buy one I hope you like it and it catches you some nice fish. I am also extremely grateful to IMA UK for allowing me this opportunity, who knows there may be another exclusive one day.